About The Jennifer Crimi Sunshine Fund

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I’m sure Jennifer would have been thrilled to have a website named after her.  Just imagine the smile on her face.

We started The Jennifer Crimi Sunshine Fund with life insurance proceeds that had been left to us by Jennifer.  We thought long and hard about how to put this money to work for a cause that would make her proud.

Then it hit us.  Most of the photographs we had of Jenn had two things in common; they were shot outdoors, and she always had the biggest smile on her face … like a ray of sunshine. We coupled that with her love of children and created the Jennifer Crimi Sunshine Fund.

Since 2005, we have helped dozens of kids, most from the inner city, get to experience outdoor adventures at various camps including Beaver Cross, Samaritan Rensselaer Discovery Camp and KidsFirst Childcare Center.

The JCSF is administered by the highly-regarded Community Foundation of the Greater Capital Region so fiscal stewardship is assured.

So we would greatly appreciate any financial support that you can provide and your donations are tax deductible.

Please contact me directly at [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions.  And God bless you and every member of your family.


Dennis & Lynne Crimi

P.S.  You can make donations by clicking here.